
20 Ticks for the Travel Bucket List

Yep! It’s true! I’ve slept on the odd airport floor; missed flights, eaten weird foods, had the runs, the voms and even been spat at! I’ve been shouted shots post dance off with a funny little person, got lost climbing mountains, met movie stars, fallen in love and confess to the occasional bout of temporary insanity – like getting naked in public, or challenging an Irish man to a drinking contest which of course ended in the ‘never do again’ list! But mostly, I’m up for trying things at least once.

My travels are about chasing those moments that make life worth living. Pushing myself to the limits, trying new things, and conquering my fears. I eat, I drink, I hike, I climb, I ride things (the Gen Y in me wants to say ‘Yeah I do!’). I seek new experiences in both exotic and familiar places.

This post is about acknowledging a few of the awesome adventures I have been on, and maybe inspiring some adventure in you.

Travel Bucket List Tick #1
Which star would you find on The Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles? I trotted blocks (did you know there are more than 2,500 five-pointed stars embedded in the sidewalks) in the search of Olivia Newton John. Don’t judge…. it was added to the travel bucket list way back when I was a teenage fangirl. Although, remind me to tell you the story about when I cooked dinner for Olivia, and got to meet her too. Can’t blame the teens for that display of squealing awesome!

Travel Bucket List Tick #2
You know that scene from the movie Forest Gump, when Forest jogs under the famous marked archway of Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles to the end of the sea? I rein-acted that bit. Was cool to see the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company Restaurant at the end of the pier that is owned by the company that produced the film too.

Travel Bucket List Tick #3
My trip to Singapore meant I was able to tick a whole bunch off my list in one hit, this magical city has a plethora of amazing sites to see, many of which don’t cost to visit either. Double whammy in this photo, the Merlion Fountain (it depicts a creature with a lion’s head and a body of a fish) which is the mascot of the city. And the worlds most expensive stand alone casino Marina Bay Sands, that totally looks like it has come straight out of a futuristic movie.

Travel Bucket List Tick #4
As you can see, I was being really adventurerous with my eating the day I visited Ekasup Village in Vanuatu, South Pacific Granted…. my mouth was numb after the generous sip of Kava I had just consumed, who would have thought a bitter dirt like tea would have that affect. We were also treated to fire walking, tribal dancing and water music, the woman of the village were in a swimming pool of sorts, they cupped their hands and slapped the water.

Travel Bucket List Tick #5
Meandering along the pristine Lighthouse Beach in Port Macquarie on a camel, taking in the sea air, the clean blue water and the breathtaking views was magical!

Travel Bucket List Tick #6
Flying over Wilpena Pound in South Australia has to be one of the coolest landscapes I’ve ever seen. It’s a giant amphitheatre and they say it’s dated around 800 million years old.  You can read more about this experience here.

Travel Bucket List Tick #7
If any of you ever wondered what my dad looked like as a teenager? Spot me….. #teaseaway there lies the answer to that thought. I am proud of the handsome & manly look I was sporting the day I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Travel Bucket List Tick #8
Spent a month at Sea on a Cruise Ship – Woke up in a new place every other day. Consumed a bazillion calories. Was pampered with daily spa treatments. Danced many a night away to the tunes of Neil Diamond (shutup), oh and I ran flat smack into Pauline Hanson too. #idontlikeit

Travel Bucket List Tick #9
In all the years I have lived in Canberra, you would think Skiing in Thredbo, NSW was the highlight of my winters. Nope….. it was this day over a decade ago that I realised, me and snow…. we ain’t friends! Granted, it’s gorgeous to look at, and snow outfits are fun to wear, but when you go A over T, sweet baby jeepers it felt like Jack Frost himself reached up and slapped me…. It flippin HURTS!

Travel Bucket List Tick #10
Swimming in a fresh water river in the Daintree Rainforest in Cape Tribulation, the oldest tropical rainforest in the world, thought to be 165 million years old.

Travel Bucket List Tick #11
The bucket list actually stated a visit to an under-ground mine, but after the Beaconsfield Mine collapse, I scratched that.  I say climbing up into a giant Tonka Truck and being driven around an Australian Coal Mine in the New Castle district is just as cool. Plus, the helmet is hella sexy!

Travel Bucket List Tick #12
Said G’Day to The Big Trout in Adaminaby. You see folks, Australia goes right in for the big stuff. All over the country you can find ‘big iconic things’. We’ve got the big Banana, Apple, Pineapple, Milkshake, an Axe, Guitar & Gumboot, there is a Lobster, Chook, Croc & a Crab, a Wine Cask, Stubby & an almighty Ned Kelly too. The list goes on……..

How many of these BIG ICONS have you seen?

Travel Bucket List Tick #13
Diving in the Great Barrier Reef, once I got over the initial creepiness of hearing my breath in my ears and relaxed into the peacefulness of being under the sea I was hooked. The water is deliciously warm, clear, still and very salty & without a doubt completely beautiful. Oh how I wish I was there now!

Travel Bucket List Tick #14
Walked 1.5km in 42c heat to the end of one of Australia’s Longest Jetties in Port Germein, South Australia. It’s so long that when you stand at one end of it, the other end disappears like an arrow into the depths of your field of view.

Travel Bucket List Tick #15
Tossed a coin in the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy.  The precise legend of the Trevi Fountain says you should stand with your back to the fountain and toss a coin over your left shoulder to guarantee a return trip to Rome. Haven’t been back, yet! What I want to know is….. What happens to all the money?

Travel Bucket List Tick #16
I happened upon this little gem. A labyrinth overlooking the Caribbean Sea in Puerto Rico, the idea being that as you walk the labyrinth, you focus on those things that are on your mind. When you get to the end of it, you will have clarification on those things! An open eye meditation of sorts.

Travel Bucket List Tick #17
Setting the alarm for 530am on the first day of my holiday was a bit rough, but holy WOW…. cruising into New Zealand’s Milford Sound was truly spectacular. Slowly making our way on the calmest of waters, taking in the snow capped mountains that rise vertically towards the sky, and large waterfalls cascading down great towering rock faces. #magical Apparently we were really lucky to be able to see this stunning natural attraction, as it rains something like 200 days of the year.

Travel Bucket List Tick #18
The attitude you see on my face, is what I like to call….. ‘Much Regret!‘ Consuming a 1000 shots of Sake at a University festival the night before was never going to end well. You can image the pain felt as I hauled butt out of bed #dryretch the next morning with the intention to visit the Great Buddha in Kamakura, Japan #excruciating, but #cheekyvom absolutely worth it!  This giant statue of bronze is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in the country, and is said to be the second largest monumental Buddha in Japan. Proud I made it through the day and was able to tick this bad boy off the list.

Travel Bucket List Tick #19
Got my shop on in the upmarket department store of Harrods in London, UK. The Harrods motto of Omnia Omnibus Ubique — All Things for All People, Everywhere was not at all true for this lowly paid chef. But I did order me some Pub Grub – A Pie & a Pint, and left with a Harrods branded wine cooler bag. #score

Travel Bucket List Tick #20
I was mesmerised, actually… I was absolutely gobsmacked with the enormity of the Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar. It is hard to imagine something so grand as this 2,500 year old Buddhist temple that is covered in 24 carat gold bars and gold leaf, decorated with around 4500 diamonds, 2000 rubies, sapphires and other gems, and a whopping big 72 carat diamond right up top. I could easily have whiled away days in this labyrinth of colour and texture. Definitely one of the cooler things I have been able to tick off the list.

I’d love to hear in the comments below, what are some of the amazing things you have ticked off your travel bucket list? 

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