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50 Years of the National Press Club of Australia

In 2012, my first year working at the Pressie, the Club underwent a 2 million dollar refurbishment, the entire ground floor of the Club was gutted and given a beautiful face lift. It was business as usual, just on a much smaller scale. I guess I was a political novice, but in the weeks before building began, when we were sorting through boxes of photos and documents that detailed the history of the Club, that I truly felt I was a part of something special.  I mean seriously folks, how awesome is it to read hand written messages from the likes of Audrey Hepburn, Bill Gates, Ruth Cracknell & the Dalai Lama. #totallyawesome

The National Press Club building in Barton, ACT being built – Check out the classic Aussie ‘King G Stubbies’ 

The National Press Club of Australia started out as a press luncheon club, the brainchild of a group of journalists over a few drinks (beer I’m sure) in a Canberra pub. I wonder if this group of people thought their idea would still be going strong all these years later?

Journalists and guests arriving at the National Press Club 30+ years ago 

Each week the Press Club hosts a live broadcast address to the country by visiting international figures, heads of state, religious leaders, innovators and of course Australian political leaders including every Prime Minster and Opposition leader from the last 40 years.

Julia Gillard – Australia’s first female Prime Minister

Gough Whitlam at the Press Club lectern in 1975

The National Press Club Speakers Signature Books – Gough Whitlam 1986

The National Room – The Clubs Function Space in the 80’s

Margaret Thatcher – The first female Prime Minister of Britain 

George Bush – The 41st President of the United States

Shirley MacLaine – American film, television and theater actress and Barry Casey from the ABC

I love how animated Shirley is, for those that don’t know why she is laughing, she was responding to a rather cheeky statement from Barry.

BC: I stand erect in front of you….
SM: You stand erect in front of me? That’s the best offer I’ve had all year, you know….

Steve Lewis – Author of Stand & Deliver – The National Press Club Book

Last month, Steve Lewis, the Clubs Senior Vice President and political journalist launched his book ‘Stand & Deliver’, a novel that captures some of the most powerful and entertaining speeches at the Club from the past 50 years. Anyone who enjoys history and is interested in politics, you can purchase the book here. Solid Christmas present right?!

This post is just a snapshot of some of the awesome that has happened over the years. I feel pretty special being able to say I am the Events Manager at the Press Club, it is hands down, one of the most amazingly cool and fun jobs I have ever had. I work with the best bunch of people, I am treated to the most exquisite and delicious foods, prepared by some of Australia’s best chefs on a daily basis, and I get to say, that in a very small way, I am a part of Australian history. #bestjobeva

So tell me dear reader, are you into history and old artifacts, and who is your favourite historical figure?

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