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A Meet – Cute


‘A Meet – Cute is a situation in which people meet for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing. It can also be applied to two people destined to become buddies’.

Meet-Cutes are, without a doubt, probably the best thing about being single. Those little surprise encounters where you bump into someone (sometimes quite literally) who momentarily stops you in your tracks, and makes your heart do a little flip flop. They often happen when you least expect them, like it did for me at a Charity Sleep Out on the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) running track, just hours before one of the coldest nights last winter.

Every year Cheffie and I put our hands up to participate in a different fundraising gig in my fine city.  Normally it’s a cooking demonstration, a spot of bucket money collection or a hospitality trivia night, so the Centenary Sleep Out was admittedly, a little left field for even us… I’m not entirely sure why I agreed to it now I think of it, as I’m not a massive fan of camping and bugs freak me out, not to mention the cold… Well, that’s a massive #nodeal

We arrived at the Oval with about 150 other keen beans ready to discover what it’s like for our homeless people who sleep rough regularly; everyone had swags, heat packs, some of us even had our Onesies on to add an extra layer of warmth. Bless the 3 degrees of separation in the Berra, as everyone knows everyone and we had connections with the Restaurant owner across the road to escape into warmth & hospitality with plenty of booze & food on tap.

We set up ‘camp’ and watched as the peeps settled into their open air home for the night… Enter Hottie McDave! #swoon #hello… A gorgeous specimen of a man sporting a smile that lit up the whole oval, and Boom Diggity, he was moving into the patch of ground next door to us.

Ladies…. You’re Welcome!

Hottie McDave as I’ve called him, not only looks pretty, turns out he’s got the smarts too, he is a full time Sailor, a part time Physics student, adores Canberra almost as much as me, is single and open to offers, and is a volunteer for my fave charity too. I guess this is what makes a Meet-Cute so great; even the most unromantic can’t help but think that maybe fate was playing a part.

Cheffie and I raised about $800.00 which went towards helping the Berras homeless people.

Hottie McDave has teamed up with us to do the 2014 Canberra Community Sleepout. Over the coming months I’ll do shout outs for support and assistance in spreading the word.

I give Hottie McDave

So tell me dear reader, have you ever experienced a ‘meet-cute’? And do you enjoy camping, or have you participated in a charity sleep out?  

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