
A Cheeky Trip to the Land of Politicians & Roundabouts + AKIBA Canberra

Do you ever get the feeling your life has shifted gears when you weren’t looking and you find yourself living a new sort of pace? You never know what’s around the corner do you? I mean seriously folks, 2017 has already been a bit of a mind basher for me with all the unexpected, sometimes challenging but amazing experiences coming my way!

So, here’s the thing, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind so far; like one day I’m a surviving cyclone casualty, just freshly out of a caste from a broken ankle, to starting a new job because the old job didn’t survive good ol’ Debbie! I know right – crazy!

And in the blink of an eye, I find myself sitting on a jet plane winging my way back home to the Whitsunday’s cradling a bounty of Black Truffles (gifted from my buddy the Truffle Farmer) and praying my back pack that is stuffed to overflowing with a selection of Vietnamese cooking supplies for the pantry, (another gift, this time from the Bestie’s restaurant), doesn’t come loose all over one’s fellow passengers.  I mean, how could anyone explain that?  True story my friends!

A very special friend’s birthday party brought me back to the land of politicians and roundabouts in the dead of winter for 2 days of action packed foodie fun. I seriously took one for the team my friends as I breakfast’d, brunched, lunched and dined at fancy restaurants and partied at the ever so sheek and swanky QT Canberra Lounge on the 15th floor. Ah yes, the good old Berra certainly did deliver all the way through this crazy wonderful weekend.

So, foodie highlights I hear you ask? Absolutely, hands down AKIBA. Made all the more special because I got to hang out with one of my oldest mates, Chicka. What a fire-cracker of a woman she is too, and possibly the only foodie friend who (like me) has no shame when it comes to whipping out the phone to navigate and understand descriptive menus and ingredients.

Selecting from the one page menu is no easy task as every item screams eat me. As they say in Japan, Omakase: “Please decide for me”, we opted for the Just Feed Me! menu for $49/person. Now this option does require you trust the chef, but friends, hand over heart, I guarantee that Akiba Canberra wont’t disappoint with 8 of their most popular dishes and… it’s such GREAT value for money.

Keen beans arrived for dinner at 530pm, just in time for the staff briefing.

How to beat the winter blues, sip a summery Passionfruit Mojito.

Kingfish, Nam Jim and Coconut Cream. One of the most delicious tastes of 2017.

Kimchi and Angasi pancakes… don’t mind if I do!

Steamed prawn and chicken dumplings, ginger and black vinegar dressing… Get. In. My. Belly!!!

AKIBA Pork Buns… Come at ME!!!

Would you like your egg mixed? Hell yeah!

Chinese broccoli… how have I lived with out you in my life?

Beef short rib, tamarind caramel, thai basil. All the taste bud feels!

All the flavours and textures in this Lemon Tofu cheese cake.

The Kingfish was my favourite dish, actually my most favourite food I have eaten in 2017, the perfect balance of chilli and citrus. YUM! The dumplings were amazing, the dressing was mouth-watering and delicious, if it was acceptable to pick the bowl up and drink it all down, I would of. The pancake was an interesting texture made a little better by the Kewpie mayo. The beef short rib fell apart with a touch of a fork, the Chinese broccoli a delightful pairing with the fried rice. As we scooped the last mouthful of creamy lemon tofu cheese cake in, we were well and truly full and thoroughly satisfied.

So, have you been to AKIBA Canberra? And how do you navigate your way through highly descriptive menus? Do you ask the waiter, wing it or ask the Google?

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