
All Systems W O A H… Big Fun on Big Fury!

Three days, two of my favourites folk visiting us from chilly Canberra and one great big desire to show off my little piece of paradise here in the Whitsundays meant just one thing. It was all systems WOAH with a trip out and around the islands at breakneck speeds on Big Fury, a 900hp jet boat sounded just the way to tick a whole lot of fun off the bucket list and drink in the glorious mid-winter ocean air in the Whitsundays.

Travelling means doing whatever floats your boat!

A day out on Big Fury isn’t just for the speed hogs amongst us who love a bit of wind and salty ocean spray to blow away the cobwebs, there’s plenty of sight seeing to be had as you zip past awesome scenery including coral bays, secluded coves, Daydream, South Molle and Hamilton Island on the hour long trip.

Our morning was made all the more magical with a sighting of a whale and her calf lunging carelessly through the waters. One minute we were powering along and the next ‘Wazza’, our Captain killed the motors and for 10 minutes we all sat in awe as the whales lunged and swam carelessly nearby.

We’re having a whale of a time in the Whitsundays!

I absolutely recommend you have a chat with the deckies / eco hosts like Cam on Big Fury who supplied the photo of the whales for this post, as these guys live and breath boats, fish, the water and know the Whitsunday Islands like the back of their hands; we were kept thoroughly entertained and even learned a few things from all his local knowledge.

Our first stop was at a secluded bay where we could do some snorkeling amongst the underwater world of tropical fish and sadly ‘not so colourful’ corals thanks to ol mate Cyclone Debbie, but there were plenty of fish to see. I am told it is not uncommon to spot giant turtles that call this part of the world home, too. Being the adrenaline junkies we are (Ha!), we chose to skip the wetsuit and brave the ‘cool’ 25-Celsius water and duel with Mother Nature, risking a sting from a poisonous ocean dwelling creature.  Although it is rare to find stingers in the wintertime up this way, we jumped off the side of the boat and into the perfectly, perfect crystal clear aqua waters without a care in the world.

We must take adventures to find where we truly belong

So you know how I mentioned it is really rare to be stung? Welllllll, just like every mozzie and midget that lurks in the tropics and seems to enjoy dining out on my skin, I came out of the sea with the tell tale 20 or so stinging stings that needed an instant dose of vinegar to calm down the red welts. Good news tho friends… I didn’t die, but the cranky marks itched, ached and took a week to disappear; so maybe wear a stinger suit.

Next we were dashing across to Whitehaven beach and awkwardly climbing down into Big Fury’s tiny little tender that delivers you from boat to shore and back. By the end of the day we’d all completely mastered the art of stepping down and up from that little boat (special thanks to the crew for their patience directing us where to put our feet), but few of us managed how to do it gracefully.

Lunch at Whitehaven Beach was A-MAZING and for everyone who loves dining alfresco in nature, this place takes your breath away and for me, offered a pinch me moment. There was loads of food, enough for most to go back for seconds and thirds #oink Pasta, creamy potato salad, indian rice salad, garden veggie salad, a cold meat platter, prawns, tropical fruits, fresh bread rolls and sauces. The seagulls are many and not afraid to steal your food if you’re not careful, but the friendly massive Lace Monitor Lizard that lurked around delighting everyone was a little creepy, especially when it came under our picnic table. Much squealing to be heard and rapid picking up of feet to be had, as it made it’s way around the tables.

‘Give yourself time to rest, time to dream, and time to enjoy the simple things’.

Lunch with Lizards

After lunch settled and we had the perfect amount of time to explore Whitehaven Beach, it was time to board Big Fury for a quick blast to our last stop of the day, Hill Inlet.  At the time, being told all we had to do was get ourselves to the top of a mountain to see the view wasn’t exactly what we wanted, as we four were zoned out from the healthy dose of salt air, sunshine and full tummies; but climbing the short 15-minute track up the mountain was more than truly rewarded by the stunning views all around us and possibly the highlight of the day.

Collect moments, not things

As the tide shifts at the hill-inlet at Whitehaven Beach each day, the water and sand combine leaving a beautiful and one-of-a-kind mosaic of colour!

Wonder less, wander more

Climbing back onboard Big Fury for the final time, we were served a feast of cakes and cookies to enjoy for that last thrilling ride back to the marina in Airlie Beach.

Steering towards the weekend!

Happiness is a way of travel – not a destination

shenANNAgans was a guest of Big Fury but all opinions remain her own. 

Big Fury

Price: $150.00 per person
 From/to Airlie Beach accommodation. Departs from Abell Point Marina.
Phone: 0418 782 266

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