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Amazing Canberra Coffee Shop – Penny University

Not sure if anyone else has hit that full on Christmas fever feeling yet, have you noticed Santa is ALREADY in the shopping malls? #imnotready

Normally I get another good month before the hospitality industry ups the ante with nonstop events and partying, but this year, it’s on like Donkey Kong already.

It is all systems go in my world; 6 of 30 wedding receptions done and dusted; we celebrated the Press Clubs 50th Birthday in style at a Gala dinner where I was lucky enough to meet the awesome James Morrison. I’ve event managed 25 functions in the past 2 weeks, and the chefs have pumped out around 1700 meals.

Oh, and did I mention that in between all that, my lovely wedding decorator passed away suddenly causing us to find a way to grieve the loss, find a replacement & somehow keep the show on the road. And, just to keep us on our toes, our office was taken offline for 3-4 days with a crazy bad computer virus where a bunch of my key content was lost, which by default means I am now kinda behind the eight ball & muttering aimless wishes that we’ve recaptured all the lost data. #overwhelmed #endrant

Thank gawd for coffee right?! I have been mainlining the stuff to keep up, or more honestly, to stay up.

Anyways, amongst all the crazy of my days, a bleary eyed Anna stumbled across Penny University Coffee Roasters, who in my humble opinion offer one of the Berras best brews. Now ya’ll know coffee is one of my very favourite things; and let’s face it friends, coffee just makes life more awesome! That first sip that makes you forget all your worries. Mmmmm…. most pleasing to the palate.

Very flavourful, juicy, never a dull moment, non-stop goodness. This coffee was bangin’. Which to put it simply, was mind blowingly delicious. A solid crowd pleaser, the kind of coffee even non coffee drinkers would enjoy.

I give this coffee 5 Hard Beans.

The countdown is on….. 88 days until I will be jet setting it to Singapore to begin a month of Asian adventures, and sipping well-deserved iconic cherry-red cocktails and reminiscing on another massive year. #bringit

Tell me dear reader, where will you be in 88 days? And what is one thing you are most looking forward to doing these Christmas holidays?

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