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Aussie ~ Aussie ~ Aussie … Oi ~ Oi ~ Oi – Australia Day Recipe

So, turns out, this little Aussie is crazy patriotic. I thought it was only when I travelled I become one of those loyal, nationalistic, hand over heart loons. When I cross the pond to foreign lands, hearing songs like Khe Sanh, finding Fosters on tap at the pub (tis rubbish beer in my humble opinion) or a tub of Vegemite (no judgement if you don’t dig it… but consider yourself out of my will! #kidding) that you’d find me tearing up.

But nope, its an always thing. I get a little misty and choked up by the first verse of our national anthem, but struggle to remember the second, I have been known to wear my Ugg boots outside the house, believe beetroot belongs on a hamburger, have a bunch of bogan mates, think its hilarious that Americans call their butts a fanny, and ‘root’ for their favourite sporting teams, and can translate: “Wazza and Dazza played Acca Dacca on the way to Maccas”.

Yep, I heart Australia, and I think it is one of the most awesome, diverse and amazing countries in the world.

So Monday was Straya (Aussie or Australia) Day! For me, that pretty much means – SCORE …. Another long weekend! Time to get my cook on, my beer on and super relax on. I decided Vegemite Spaghetti should feature; cheers Lorraine from Not Quite Nigella for the inspiration (don’t knock it till you try it!!!). This sparked a rather interesting convo with me Ma. Apparently, generations of my family have been crushing on Vegemite and using it in the most peculiar of ways. Word is, my Grans trick to get the kids to eat vegetables involved Chayote (aka Cho cko) cooked in a buttery Vegemite mixture. Just saying, I was not one of those kids. Ewwwh!

Vegemite Spaghetti – Recipe adapted from Not Quite Nigella

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time:  15 minutes

  • 375 grams spaghetti (or other pasta)
  • 80 grams unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon Vegemite (or more to taste)
  • 1/2 onion finely sliced
  • 6 large button mushrooms, sliced (optional)
  • Splash of cream to finish (optional)
  • Handful of chopped parsley
  • Freshly grated or shaved Parmesan cheese (to serve)

Step 1: Cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water, according to the instructions on the packet.

Step 2: When the pasta is almost cooked, melt the butter in a saucepan, saute the onion and mushrooms until golden brown, add the Vegemite and 1 tablespoon of the pasta water, mixing until dissolved. Drain the pasta and pour the Vegemite mixture over spaghetti, adding a splash of cream or some of the reserved pasta water to combine. Serve with plenty of grated or shaved Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of parsley or herb of choice.

Step 3: Plate up – do it…. and do it good!

I’d love to know, do you dig Vegemite? And have any weird foods or recipes become famous in your household? If yes, do tell….

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