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Beechworth Pale Ale

It’s not often I get the opportunity to hang out with my brother, but Friday gone we decided to check in at Shorty’s in the city for a cheeky brewski. Shorty’s is a funky modern bar, it’s a little bit hipster and loaded with a good vibe in the Berra’s city, they serve a mix of traditional dishes with a twist, the best burgers, and a mix of boutique beers too.

My little bro and sister-in-law ‘Ms M’ are mad keen sportspeople, more specifically cyclists, they love food, booze and caffeine. It has taken years to refine, but they have nailed the perfect diet to maximise their sporting quests. These kids fascinate me with their often random catering requirements, but its fun to see things through their eyes.

We decided to venture outside our norm and order the Bridge Road Beechworth Pale Ale (glorious country that Beechworth area) from the speciality list.  It smelt citrusy crisp, refreshing and sweet, I want to say I smelt honey mixed with flowers and soil too….  A nose full of aromatic hops!

The taste of the beer…. There was the initial hit of burnt and bitter hops, Kris described it as burning, followed by a sweetened caramel malt. Not his cuppa at all.

I didn’t mind it, I am a big fan of Pale Ale in general and supporting Australian micro breweries is a job I take seriously, I reckon it’d go down a treat on a hot summers day and would work well with a greasy feed, but I wouldn’t be able to drink more than one in a night.

Have you tried the Beechworth Pale Ale? If yes, what are your thoughts?

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