Whilst staring at the plethora of Australian craft brews at my local IGA a couple of weeks back, there stood beside me an older gentleman who seemed to be carefully reading each label, in his left hand he held James Squires Sun Down, and in his right hand he held Matilda Bay Big Helga.
Sometimes my mind filter doesn’t work properly and I speak ‘it’, when I only mean to think ‘it’, if you know what I mean. I said to this nice old guy out loud, ‘Sun Down and Big Helga is sure to come out to play, reckon you are holding a pretty great night in your hands there!’ Now that could have gone one of two ways, Option 1) He would stare at me like I’m crazy or Option 2) He would crack a smile and say something equally as ridiculous.
Thankfully, it was sort of Option 2, he retorted looking at the beer bottles in his hands “Last time Helga and I got together, we had a great time, so I might take this big girl home again tonight”. With such a glowing review, my decision was made right there, I was going to have a crack at the Helga.
Snr. Supermarket guys come back got me to thinking about funny pick-up lines; I’ve had my fair share of guys who have used the standard pick up line… “Hey baby, how you doin’?” (like Joey from Friends). Just quietly, I think you fellas need some new material, and should take a leaf out of this chaps play book, cos that was amusing! 🙂
Big Helga is a dry Munich style lager, think Oktoberfest, I sure did….. It’s fantastic! It goes down a treat too. I could drink it often without getting bored. Now it’s not going to knock your socks off, and it’s not a super complex brew, but you should totes give the sweet malty amber ale a go.
The brewer suggests it’s the perfect accompaniment to a plate of Spanish tapas or a big continental sausage…. If you read that last sentence with a straight face I commend you on your maturity. If not, I commend you on your immaturity.
So tell me my lovelies, what’s the best pick up line you have ever heard? And have you ever used one or fallen for someone who used one?