Some of you may remember my blog The Hospitality Guru? It was with much sadness that I had to shut it down after losing a lot of content when the hosting company I, and many of my fellow bloggers used, didn’t upgrade to their new servers (Grrrrr!). This time around, I decided to move away from the strong focus on food and share more of my passions in the events & hospitality arena as a whole. Yes friends… I’m back and with a BOOM!
Anna with 2013 Australian of the Year Ita Buttrose
I’m having a blast with my job as Events Manager at the National Press Club of Australia (NPCA) and it keeps me pretty bloody busy. I was surprised to learn that the team & I were the architects behind 587 events where just over 36,000 meals were served. I was involved in the operational side of the Leaders Debate that 3 million people tuned in to watch, as well as the 100 odd Press Club Address‘ to the country, a quarter of which were for the federal election that Australia saw 3 Prime Ministers in 12 months. We still had time to assist 19 couples with the planning of their ’I do’s’! And I was lucky enough to have lunch with some pretty awesome people including Bill Gates, Ita Buttrose, Deborah Lee Furness and just about every politician in the country in 2013, even if I did have to share the experience with a couple of hundred other people.
Anna & Cheffie (Paul Butler) at the 2013 Centenary Sleepout
Even though the jury is still out as to whether I can call myself a Chef these days, I managed to cook 10 dishes from 1 Chicken in 30 minutes at Floriade with my favourite Cheffie, and found myself sleeping with a sexy sailor in -3 degree temperatures on an oval to raise funds and awareness of our homeless people for the Yellow Van.
Anna preparing for a cooking demonstration at Floriade for OzHarvest Canberra
Yep, 2013 was a ripper. Sometimes I can hardly believe it, but this is my life these days now I’ve left the kitchen behind! I wonder what 2014 will bring, fingers crossed it includes a food tours and travelling the world.
This is my brag book, my journal, my (occasional) ranting space and my creative corner of the interwebs.
Come on in and have a look around, hopefully you’ll find something to amuse or interest you!