So here’s the thing, today had almost too much going on, but that’s never a good excuse to go without coffee. Let me run you through a few bad ass goals I managed to kick today.
New hair: Good Lordy, but did I look a mess when I left the house this morning! It’s funny when all of a sudden your hair says, “No Deal”. I arrived on Newals doorstep, and after all these years, she sadly knows just how long I leave things between visits. I’ve been sporting me a Stella Stripy Skunk Look for a hairstyle about a month now, regrowth galore and sadly my “do” was nothing like the Hipster Ombre either. But a few hours later I was fit to be seen in public again. Pheww
Next was a Lunch date: A tall cool guy I met at a wedding awhile back – chiselled jaw, well-travelled, intelligent, snowboarder and a bit of an IT Nerd. What more can a girl ask!
Quick dash to the Mall to buy new jeans, this is where my day could easily have come undone. We all know that most woman detest this experience; one has to be in the right headspace to face the fluro lit up teeny tiny cubicle with that nasty mirror. Turns out I’m a size smaller and picked a winner with the first pair. BOOM!
Tonight I attended a VIP Launch for the theatre production “Winging My Way to the Top”: Always a bonus when your good friend just happens to own her swanky event management business and puts this lucky lass on the guest list.
Now, the coffee, my rating system is based on the following questions:
How desperate am I for a coffee? Take Away or Coffee Shop? Answer: Super desperate, I needed the buzz to get me through the epic hair appointment marathon; in the back of my mind I thought maybe this time I’d brought an unfixable problem to Newal’s salon.
Bitterness factor? It was smooth and good today, I like the blend at Kingston Grind when they get it right, but this little place has a rep of being a bit hit & miss; they sometimes overheat the milk, so the great Barrister in the Sky was certainly looking down on me today.
Service time? On the button! It never hurts that the Waiters are easy on the eye!
I give this coffee 4 Hard Beans.
So tell me dear reader, what fabulous thing happened for you today?