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Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me!

I turned 33 on the weekend. Thirty-three! I reckon it has a nice ring to it. Maybe it’s my lucky number. If the 3 bird poops #YESthree I copped at my B’day picnic are anything to judge by, (they call me ‘Bullseye Johnston the Bird Target’) my luck-o-metre is peaking and I am in for one heck of a fabulous year.

I don’t know at what age it becomes inappropriate to a) Drink Champagne with your breakfast b) Wear a Twilight Tee as a legit item of business attire c) Insist on Birthday Cake or d) Encourage everyone you see on your birthday to awkwardly sing Happy Birthday to you, but 33 aint it!

From Momma treating me to birthday breakfast including a bottle of bubbles, to work surprising me with a giant BOOM balloon and lunch with a plate of sexy squid, to my amazing friends and family who arrived with cards, foods, booze, sugar loaded creamy cakes and inappropriate nudey calendars, to the barrage of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram love, my birthday left me with a giant case of warm heart fuzzies.

I’ve noticed some bloggers like to write about themselves on their birthdays and I enjoy reading these (and they always seem to get lots of comments & shares…. hint hint!), so I figured I’d do the same.

Below are 10 things you might not know about me.

I love Unicorns and Ponies and llamas and Meerkats

I only wear brightly coloured odd socks

I re-watch the TV series Gilmore Girls every year

Coffee to me doesn’t taste great unless it is served in a mug

I plan to start a YouTube channel and do weekly Video blogs

I love getting my craft on and creating handmade, glitter fueled cards

I have never broken a bone

My favourite flowers are Frangipanis and Gerberas

I buy clothes that I do not have to iron, I dislike ironing very much

The song “Walking on Sunshine” is guaranteed to get me up shakin’ my booty

Tell me when your birthday is so I can make you a handmade glitter fueled card. And tell me something about YOU that I don’t know?

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