Amidst the madness of the past few weeks that have been chock full of craziness and mayhem, it was sheer bliss to hit up the beach for some much needed down time with my family.
Seriously, is there anything more delightful than the first sighting of the beach after a couple of hours in the car? It gets me every time… I never fail to be amazed by the sparkly beauty of the south coast right on the Berra’s back doorsteps.
Since it was a Canberra only long weekend there was hardly anyone around, pristine beaches, sparkling ocean & no crowds – just the way I like it.
Nothing more wonderful than the waves crashing against the rocks
Despite all the trimmings of springtime where the sun shone gloriously on us, it wasn’t until the long weekend that there was much warmth in the days, but lucky me, the temperatures climbed & with summer clothing clad we ventured out to enjoy the sun shine & serenity.
I’m a little bit sorry to the onlookers who suffered third degree burns from the reflections from my pasty white skin caused by many months entombed in multi layers of warm dark clothing.
It’s a Johnston thing….. You wouldn’t understand!
My little family and I headed out for a day of fun in the sun & a leisurely wander through the Aussie bushland.
Something about sunshine and a warmer climate that makes me want to get my smoothie drinking on, so first stop, the café for a cheeky orange, apple, beetroot & ginger juice. #yarm
Sunshine in a glass – Beetroot Smoothie
We strolled along the beach, cool ocean breezes splashed us with salty water as waves crashed against the rocks and stopped often to admire the rock formations.
Poking at the blue bottles as we strolled along the beach
Dip our toes in the icy cold water, poke at the blue bottles on the beach.
Dipping the toes in…. Eeek, it’s chilly!
And filled our lungs with the serenity.
Pretty flippin serene huh?!
So tell me dear reader, what’s your go to summer smoothie special? And, are you a beach bum or country bumpkin?