Of course a wine with a name like this was enough to capture my interest! Even though I grew up in the country and spent a good chunk of time on the farm where rifles were a necessity and even hung proudly on some relatives walls; shooting has always made me nervous. Unless of course; you’re referring to the arcade game Big Buck Hunter.
Getting our Buck Hunt on!
So the lowdown on this little beauty…. ‘Ladies who shoot their Lunch’ is produced by Fowles Wine in Victoria’s Strathbogie Ranges, they are the first in the world to specially blend a wine to match with wild game foods. The label features a straight shooter looking lady hunter with her pooch; it’s vintage and quaint, I couldn’t help but love it.
Ladies who shoot their lunch smells like dark choccie and dried berries with the full Fudd of flavours (as in Elmer J. Fudd), a heady mixture of pepper, spice and all things nice. The party that explodes as it hits your mouth is something else.
It’s a toy gun…. Im buck hunting!
Drink it on its own, with terrine or if you’re game #boom… it’d be great with Bunny, Roo, Emu or Bambi.
Many plates of gamey goodness!
Ladies who Shoot their Lunch is a little pricey for everyday at $35.00 a bottle, but we all deserve a special drop every now and then right?! The value is crazy good and in my opinion, easily better than wines three times the price.
You can purchase the Ladies who Shoot their Lunch range direct or from a bunch of booze stores Australia wide.
Do you enjoy gamey meats? I’m a Ms Pac-Man or Mario fan… which classic arcade game character do you love best?