So y’all might have noticed things have been a bit slow round my neck of the woods lately. Not being one to air the dirty laundry, I decided to lay low and nurse my bad attitude back to health. But crikey has it been tough going!!! Months and months filled with struggles (how much this showed, I do not know). Often feeling like a one legged duck (going round & round & round & round), emotionally exhausted, struggling with writer’s block and a lack of inspiration, devoid of free time, and wowza… the guilts over not being able to balance blogging with my career. Siiiiiiigh!
After a gruelling conversation with my doctor, I have been advised that nothing but a massively strict diet that excludes gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol & caffeine would be required to give my body the hearty detox it requires. After just a couple of weeks on this healthy eating regime, along with facing a few daunting health challenges, I can happily report some very positive changes are beginning to show up. The headaches have disappeared, and my mind is clearer, I actually woke up at dawn on the weekend and voluntarily took my dog for a walk. Those that know and love me are still in shock! #winning
Soooooo…. while I take some quiet moments, work through and implement my new daily healthful habits, I have reached out to a bunch of my blog buddies from all around the world who have very kindly agreed to guest post on shenANNAgans and help a sista out.
Thank you for staying here, for your comments, emails, and for your endless support. You guys are the ones who keep me coming back. Whether you realised it or not, this year I needed to feel your support the most. Thank you, thank you so much. Giant BIG sparkly, squishy hugs headed your way!
I’d love to know, do you have any amazing gluten, dairy, sugar, caffeine & booze free recipes? If yes, please do share your thoughts/links in the comments below.