Waaaay back when I was a gawky teen, before ‘boys’ and all the scary grown up crazy antics of being an adult were a thing. I had one of those school teachers who was a super-dork, I’m talking tartan & corduroy suits with a wool tweed bow tie to match, kind of nerd. His absolute addiction to the subject of Arthur & Guinevere and the shenannagans of superwoman Morgan le Fay in books like The Mists of Avalon magically translated to me. I found myself fascinated and begging the parentals to buy me books and movies on the subject to fully immerse myself.
Spice things up on a chilly night….
It seemed to me that back in the day, life was one BIG merry party with all those dashing Knights in shining armour swishing back goblets of Mulled Wine and feasting on massive amounts of cooked meats, and as a kid that didn’t much care for eating vegetables, I figured if skipping the greens was good enough for them, it was for me too. Not much of “that phase” managed to stay with me, but whenever I see a recipe for Mulled Wine it all comes back to me.
This little sip of delish is super simple to make, and tastes like holidays in a glass. The spicy bouquet of wine partying with cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and star anise wafting through the house is soothing, but the flavour of warm spiced wine as it passes your lips is heavenly.
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy wine. That’s kinda the same thing!
For this version, I decided to add some citrus, a couple of gorgeous Sumo Mandarins kindly supplied by Pacific Fresh in Leeton #thankyou. This liquid grape beverage is guaranteed to not only warm your hands but your soul as you relax sipping in front of the fireplace with your faithful hound at your feet.
I’d love to know, what ‘thing’ were you right into as a child, and are you still into it now?