I thought I’d do something a little bit different this week and post about one of my all-time favourite people, I know many of you have siblings and would be able to relate to some of the answers we give in the sibling tag.
This post will give you a bit more of a look into my life, introducing you to my one and only sibling: my brother Kris! Sooooo…. Without further ado, please warmly welcome my little bro.
Who is the oldest?
Kris: Anna is. But I feel like I am.
Anna: I am, although most people think Kris is. For many years people actually thought we were twins, and during our Cheffing apprenticeships together we would tell people we were, it seemed a really good way to market ourselves.
Baby Anna & Kris – Everything had to match.
Any nicknames?
Kris: Snizzle. Homie. Sis.
Anna: Nizzle. Nizz. Snizzle. Pimp
Funniest Memory?
Kris: I have so many memories of us being in stiches laughing at who knows what. I really can’t remember why, or at what either. But we have had some great adventures together.
Anna: Like Kris said, the funny memories are endless, but one that sticks in my mind. We had just finished an epic week in the kitchen, around 90 hours & we went out for a drink with the crew to celebrate. Being as overtired as we were, the few drinks caused us to be ohhhh so drunk. When we got home we tried to pull the spare mattress out from under the bed, whispering at the top of our lungs…. Shhhh… you’ll wake Mom, (hysterical at the time). I woke up half hanging off the bed, and Kris was asleep in the cupboard with the spare mattress still under the bed.
Me & my brother, Kris – 1st Grade School Photos
Most memorable argument?
Kris: One that comes to mind; Anna and I worked together when we were doing our cheffing apprenticeships. I was way over tired and cracked it at her. If I recall there was a rather large pan that may or may not have been hurled in the general vicinity of Anna’s head. There was a small period of time that I was into throwing things, I think it was probably most of 2nd year.
Anna: When Kris and I were doing our Cheffing apprenticeships, we worked together, lived together and shared a lot of the same friends too. I guess at times we would reach saturation point with the amount of time spent together and that’d cause the odd snap. One particular week we worked an epic amount of hours with back to back shifts. I remember waking up late – straight up bad moods all round for us both & driving to work yelling at each other, getting to work, muttering insults to each other, and Kris snapped. I remember running from him with a pan hurtling at me not so far from my head. The pan landed at the Executive Chefs feet. Ohhhh boy was there hell to pay that day, we got in so much trouble.
Kids of the 80’s – Denim on top of trackies
Most cherished memory?
Kris: The older I get, I realise that it is the time we spent together growing up were the best memories. Little things like chilling out in our rooms just talking about absolutely nothing for hours on end, yet at the time it seemed ‘ever so important’. Also, some of our trips together up to see family in Sydney. We would often leave Canberra after our shifts finished at 10pm, listening to pumping music the whole way, and being wrapped up in blankets because the beast of a car didn’t have a heater.
Anna: When we were little tackers out on the farms with Dad we’d get free rein to the quad bikes that were fuelled up and ready to go. We’d head out with our lunch and explore the farm. I remember riding on the back while Kris was driving & turning really quickly and I rolled off the bike and landed on my feet – Didn’t even get a scratch. #nailedit
Driving up to visit Mom in Sydney in the middle of the night, our heads hanging out the windows for the first 30 minutes of the trip (defrost didn’t work in the beast either) blankets wrapped around us for warmth & tunes pumping and us singing at the top of our lungs.
I also have a lot of fond memories around food and wine, still to do to this day when we learn new cooking methods or try food or wines from famous regions, we will discuss in depth the taste and smell and the different ways to prepare it or pair it with.
90’s fashion – Check pants were totes a thing!
Last thing we talked about?
Kris: Work, food, my wife, my house, Anna’s adventures.
Anna: Kris & Ms M are expecting their first baby in Feb next year, a lot of our conversations in recent times have been about family, growing up, the big changes to come, the fact Kris is all mature and stuff, and I am still planning boot scooting dress up parties and running amuck.
Are you close?
Kris: Yep. Very close. I feel lucky to call my sister one of my closest friends.
Anna: Super close. Nizz is one of my best friends.
Ready for our first day of private school
What annoys you the most about each other?
Kris: Not much these days. We are at a point where we understand each other and how we wish to live our lives. When I was in my early teens just about everything that she did annoyed me.
Anna: Nah, nothing really these days. Couldn’t be bothered being annoyed with him.
Do you hang out?
Kris: Not enough anymore.
Anna: No. Not much these days. The Nizz rides his bike an epic amount, and our schedules are just so different, we have to plan months in advance to do a cheeky beer. Thank goodness for social media right?!
Celebrating the New Year – 2000
One thing you can do that your sibling can’t?
Kris: I can eat my dinner and the entire tables left overs & ride a bike like a pro – not at the same time though.
Anna: A cartwheel. Hula. Drinking more than 2 beers in one sitting.
A Canberra Times newspaper clipping
Are you competitive?
Kris: Yes, I’m very competitive person.
Anna: You betchya. But not with each other.
Have you ever fancied one of your sibling’s friends?
Kris: Absolutely. I loved being Anna’s little brother at school. All of her friends would wave and say hi. It made me feel like I was kind of a big deal.
Anna: Hmmm. Not really. Kris vetoed me dating his friends from an early age. But they all just seemed like annoying little brothers to me.
Wine buffs from way back!
Who is the most creative?
Kris: Anna, she can paint and draw cool pictures and she isn’t afraid to wear leopard print gum boots or a onesie in public. No shame!
Anna: Yeah, me! I am very creative. Kris however has some seriously impressive cycling and fitness skills that I absolutely do not. I’ve seen some amazingly crafty riding to avoid accidents and gunning it to the finish line too. Bit of legend really!
My Beautiful Family!
What is the one dish you want Mom to make you when you feel down?
Kris: Rissoles with tomato & corn soup and creamy mashed potatoes.
Anna: Mom’s Spaghetti.
So tell me dear reader, do you remember your childhood haircut? Did you have a sweet mullet like me? And what’s a great memory you have with your sibling?