What’s Crackin’ 2015…… Happy New Year friends! How are you all and did you have a wonderful Christmas? Were you able to take some time out and rest after the epic-ness of 2014? Did you eat your body weight in food and drink yourself merry? Are you ready to get crackin’ on 2015? OK, interrogation over!
As my Asian adventures come to a close, I’m reflecting on the year that was and the year that will be. So much achieved, and so much to be grateful for, so much still to do.
I write you from way up in the clouds, slight exaggeration, it’s not like I’m in a plane or anything, but I am way up top of the south tower at the Fairmont Hotel in Singapore overlooking some of the coolest landmarks I’ve ever seen.
So, it might be the altitude that has me all pensive, although it’s more likely to be the after effects of back to back food comas #foodbabies but whatever the reason, these past few weeks have been filled with some amazing experiences and I’m a little sad we’ve only got a couple of days left adventuring.
We’ve legged it miles, consumed a bazillion calories, we rickshawed & trishawed through ancient cities across four Asian countries where I got my haggle on, my sweat on, my awesome tan on, and even my cough on… yep, Penang tried to kill me.
We got lost for hours with a non english speaking taxi driver in Kaula Lumpur, found ourselves eating SPAM for breakfast, I may have gone back for seconds, sampled lots of local tukka in side streets and back alleys, and sipped summery cocktails in the Hawaii of Malaysia, learnt to make spring roll wrappers and energy drinks in a remote village, and I even got my Budda on in ‘the’ Pagoda of Myanmar (Burma).
2014 was awesome for kicking serious goals as the Events Manager at the NPCA, the team & I were the architects behind around 650 events where just over 40,000 meals were served.
I was involved in the operational side of 80 odd live broadcast Press Club Address’ to the country, and assisted 30 couples with the planning of their ’I do’s ’!
I was lucky enough to have lunch with some pretty awesome people including Bob Hawke, John Howard, Dick Smith and Graham Turner too. The Events department cleaned up at a number of industry awards nights, I scored a sneeky feature in a TV commercial, was interviewed on national radio and involved in the 101 Human Brochure.
I was crazy spoilt (maybe ruined) by Cheffu and the kitchen team with some of the best food I have ever eaten.
There may or may not have been beer involved in the decision, but I also joined a baseball team, and I’ve made some fabulous new friends.
Yep, it was a year filled with many, many pinch me moments, I reckon I am one of the luckiest gals around, because hot diggity….. 2014 was A-MAZING!
I cannot thank each of you enough for your support of my blog, I appreciate so much that you take the time to stop by. I love connecting and sharing with all of you, you guys ROCK! Thank you for making it possible!
I wish you a magical, fun filled, exciting, scrumptious and rainbow fuelled 2015.
Lotsa love!
I’d love to hear what fun shenANNAgans you have planned for 2015?