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When the event brief for a Champagne & Sparkling Masterclass hosted by Ned Goodwin MW (Master of Wine AKA The Sparkling Brut) landed on...


Waaaay back when I was a gawky teen, before ‘boys’ and all the scary grown up crazy antics of being an adult were a...


Some of you may remember my blog The Hospitality Guru?  It was with much sadness that I had to shut it down after losing a lot...


Of course a wine with a name like this was enough to capture my interest! Even though I grew up in the country and...


The ‘Meet….’ series gives you a glimpse into the inner workings of some of my all-time fave peeps and cheffing superheroes. I ask the...


I write you from a crisp and rather chilly Canberra (feel sorry for me… when I left the house yesterday it was -7 degrees)....

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